Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sorry for the silence

I've been working on a project that might change my career path, so I haven't had time really to concentrate on my blog. After doing a couple months of hypertrophy work, sort of your off-season GPP work, I started my second year of seriously dedicated Olympic lifting. Last summer I got up to about 75 K clean and a 55 kg snatch.  I didn't really squats back squat or front squat too much for several months.  So in this off-season I got up to several sets of eight with a hundred kilos in the back squats and sets of eight with about 60 kg in the front squats.  Now it's not as high as I wanted to get to but as December rolled around and this project I've been working on looks like it's coming to fruition I decided to go back to the Olympic lifts a little earlier and start off a little more structured.  So Monday of this week.  I did three sets of five in the snatch and three sets of five in the back squat.  I stayed pretty light in the snatch because I want to be of the get up to five sets of five in a couple weeks and I'm know I'm not in shape to handle really to much more weight.  In the back squat I was able to do  225lbs for three sets of five, which is all right and Ill work up to five sets of five with this in the next couple weeks. This lighter work with more volume for these lifts hopefully will help me get to my goals of a snatch of over 60 kg and a clean of 90 kg or more.  Well that's all for now and I hope to update you soon on the facility I'm working on.

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