Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I'm doing now

My injury did illuminate an issue that I might have swept under the rug. Although Dr Chris Barney had told me repeatedly that my two ankle dislocations (one at 18 years old #2 at 33) are what probably lead to my many minor low back problems. The lack of a decent range of motion in my left ankle caused my left to act "long". What this means is that instead of my left hip acting like a rotating joint it acted like a "hinge" joint. I had poor adduction and internal rotation at my left hip. When I would squat or pull something heavy off of the floor (deadlift, cleanpull, snatch) my left hip would ride higher then my right. The cure for this in the past was a wedge in my right shoe. However since my surgery and subsequent physical therapy and anatomical therapy, I'm back to doing what I love to do and doing it pain free.

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