Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pain Free Volleyball Clinic

In the coming weeks I will conduct a clinic to discuss what easy exercises to use in order to play volleyball pain free. Some of my friends (and myself) are getting a little older and I'm noticing a few aches and pains my friends are having. If you have any questions email me and I hope to address them at the clinic. Until then keep foam rolling!

Monday, August 1, 2011

My way to encourage!

Don't forget I had back surgery in 2007 and tore my quad tendon in 2009. I'm 50 years old and my reason for writing is to show you that you too can come back from injuries and surgeries with the right approach. Two weeks ago I cleaned 66kgs (145lbs) and snatched 50kgs (110lbs) plus front squated 70kgs (155lbs) for 3reps. Today I cleaned 68kgs (150lbs) after taking last week off entirely. Remember "Embrace the process"!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Embrace the process!

This is what I've been saying lately regarding coming back from surgery of any kind. Embrace the process means to enjoy the little daily goals you set to get back to doing the things you love. To come back from back or knee or any surgery you must tackle what you have to do head on. Set daily goals and rejoice in meeting them. Discuss what your doing with friends and loved ones! Compare yourself to yourself a day, a week or one month ago. These tactics will give you peace in knowing that you are doing everything you CAN do to get better.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Been awhile (had a bad April)

Got sick, got weak, got bummed but I got better! Gone Bulgarian ie: I only snatch, power snatch, clean, power clean, front squat, push press and jerk. Snatch and power snatch are going up every workout and that's means I will be jumping higher!

Monday, February 14, 2011

iRenew is a joke!

I watch these commercials and it's very obvious to me that the "pre" test is a sham because they pull the person backwards or to the side which as they do it nobody can stay still. Watch for yourself!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Perseverance is what I'm trying to get across in this blog. So more of my story. My workouts are going great. I'm still in a hypertrophy phase and next week I'm switching from back squats to front squats to prepare me for cleans. In the last few weeks I've gone from 215x6x3 to 220x6x3 with 210x8x3 in between (remember only one minute rest between sets). RDL's have gone from 175x8x3 to 175x10x3 and yesterday 185x6x3. Deadlifts are up to195x8x3 and as usual we won't talk about what I press :(